Are You a Fairy Tale Junkie?
What is it about conspiracy theories like QAnon, that trap people in a world of make believe?
It’s not the internet, because conspiracy theories pre-date it.
It’s not the specific conspiracy theory, because there are literally millions of them.
It’s not because we’re American, because I suspect they exist in every culture and in every language.
I think it’s the “half-truth” aspect of them. And I think, they are an extension of the human beings desire to believe in fairy tales. Everything from princes and princesses to a killer on the loose in Lover’s Lane.
Human beings simply have a hard time with reality.
Almost all legitimate religions are supposed to be about “giving of self.” But all you hear from the rank and file members of these various sects are the fantastical!
An example would be the terrorist of Muslim faith who believes if he sets off a bomb or crashes an airplane, there will be a hundred virgins waiting for him in Heaven.
What the heck?
You are definitely making a sacrifice, bro, but needing a reward on the other side is horse hockey!
Christians are the same because they talk about cities of gold as if that’s really a thing. There of course is plenty more, but all of them seem more aimed to capture the vulnerable soul’s imagination rather than to talk about what is really important, and what, if mastered will probably remove you from most of your everyday problems.
It’s giving.
Instead, humans, being naturally lazy and greedy, took “giving” and turned it into a consumer holiday. So now Christmas, which to some is about Christ’s birth, and to others about blackmailing bratty kids, is to 99% of us about consumerism.
It’s not about any of those things. Sorry. It’s about giving, and not just one day a year, all year! That’s it. All of the other is hyperbole and crap.
But face it, most of you can’t see the forest for the trees. Your fears fuel your desires and cravings. Your lack of self must be filled with something and so you choose the most fantastical (and hence easier) of all these half-truths.
Some of you believe every spin you hear on cable news. Fox or MSNBC, you pick! Fox mastered the half-truth spin, but MSNBC is playing pretty good catch up.
Rush Limbaugh began this diatribe of misinformation and spin thirty years ago. I was there for it. As an on the road salesperson, the only entertainment on the radio in rural West and Middle Tennessee was his Rush to Excellence broadcasts.
It took me a few years to realize I’d been converted to some type of “femi-nazi and Clinton hating addict,” and that looking at what the other side thinks is not selling out. It’s simply expanding your mind to other viewpoints.
So, given all this, is it any surprise so many of us become craven, jealous, insecure twits?
You base everything in your life on half truths and fairy tales. And you end up empty and afraid for yourself, your children, or your country. And you then make up a name for it like patriotism or a blessing.
And so now we end up with QAnon, the next level of complete make-believe for people who cannot make sense of their own world. Their own mixed up, baseless, fairy tale world!
I would say live in the now. Live for this moment. Live for your truth. Not for “I heard this,” or “someone said that,” or “this video seems to show this.”
Do what’s difficult, put away childhood fairy tales, even when they seem to be of adult nature. And give. Or at least attempt it.
And when you are not recognized or worse, when you are spat upon, remember, there were others before you who gave more and were certainly treated worse, but who did not turn their back upon what is good and righteous!