Evil Walking With the President Is Nothing New!
What do you think about that title? That should tear up the “going to church on Sunday” crowd.
Anyway, everybody, (by that term I mean Democrats) keeps getting upset about Stephen Miller, the President’s chief advisor and speech writer.
Yes, he leans toward white supremacy. Yes, he leans toward violent misogyny. Yes, he leans toward opening the last gate of Hades so that the true god of money, vice and corruption be freed to fully encapsulate all of the world’s souls.
But does that really make his such an unusually bad person?
Recently a liberal publication, Jezebel, dropped a column about Miller. It was an Op-Ed but obvious to all of you who aren’t “everybody” it was fact. Basically, the writer said she kind of hoped Miller would contract Covid-19.
Now look that is over the line. What good “I play basketball in the church gym” person would even wish the devil himself get the coronavirus, not to mention his favorite simple minded minion, Miller?
We have to be about inclusion, so it’s time that everybody, you know us Democrats, start being nice to all of the underworld cretins, and let them be part of the decision making.
Oh wait, we did that four years ago.
Which brings me back to my original question, is Stephen Miller really such an unusually bad person? Think about it. Is he that much different than GOP Presidential political advisors of the past?
Let’s see, does anyone remember Karl Rove?
Ah, Karl Rove, George W. Bush’s best pal, confidant, and pot stirrer of evil stew!
He basically held the same position for 43 as Miller holds for 45.
They have a lot in common. For example they are both equally disturbing to look at.
Miller looks like a vampire. But not the cool, sexy type vampires of Anne Rice fiction, more like the original vampire movie with Max Schreck.
Rove resembles the larvae of a fly. With glasses. That’s it. No other description is necessary.
Krazy Karl’s first act of dirty tricks was more like a college prank…because he was in college.
Surprisingly, (not surprisingly) Rove was a young Republican who snuck into an Illinois State Democrat headquarters, stole some letterhead and then printed up “free beer, free food, girls and a good time for nothing.”
I’m not sure of his diction in that prank. He’s got a little redundancy going on there.
In 1986, while helping on the gubernatorial campaign of Texas candidate, William Clements, Rove “found” a listening device in his office, and only his office. He declared it was the opponent who had planted it.
Unfortunately, for all that is good and just, Rove’s declaration came before guilt could be determined.
Fortunately, for all that is evil and larvae gross, the negative press, derived from said declaration, made for just the bump the candidate, Clements, needed for a narrow election win, only weeks later.
Rove took that brown dirt road all the way to the White House. He helped his best bud, W win the Texas Governor’s race by running a whisper smear campaign about then Governor Ann Richards.
And later when Bush ran for President against John McCain, Rove masterminded third party attack ads against McCain, claiming he had an uncontrollable temper, his wife was on drugs and he had an African-American love child.
Look I got no problems with love children of any descent, but it just so happens the McCains adopted this baby girl out of a Bangladesh orphanage, ran by Mother Teresa!
Who clashes with Mother Teresa?
The devil, that’s who!
Hey don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying the devil doesn’t get involved in Democratic politics. I mean heck, remember Rob Lowe getting in trouble with underage girls at that Democratic convention way back?
And he still is successful. And he still looks good! He’s got to be 60! He looks 34! That boy definitely made a deal with, or is, Beelzebub.
Democrats just don’t keep them on as chief advisors! We chuck the devil at the door! Get thee behind me Satan, I made it through the primaries!
And finally…and unrelated, sort of, a bit of a bright spot of news for today! Mike Pence is self-isolating! Probably doing some self-loathing as well. Hope he doesn’t get Covid-19. Also hope he doesn’t grow hair on his palms!