Follow the Money and Find Your Devil

Dan K Jackson
3 min readJul 14, 2020


Some of you may remember the name Don Ohlmeyer. He was a famed television producer of the 70’s, 80’s and 90’s. He got his start with Monday Night Football.

His quote however, regarding sports is legendary. It went something like this:

“If the question is sports, the answer is money.”

No more true words could ever be spoken, especially when you’re talking about college and professional sports.

We witnessed just such an occurrence this week.

The Washington Redskins, have held this nickname for 90 years. There is no doubt this is a racist moniker. There is no doubt!

Now again, I know many of you do not understand the difference between racism and bigotry. Bigotry is when you say, do or effect, horrible things to someone of another race. Racism is when you are the race in power, and you say, do or effect, horrible things to someone of another race.

Power is the difference.

Being a National Football League team and naming your squad after the color of a subjugated people’s skin, gives you both the power and the horrible. It is, in itself, a casebook definition of racism.

For at least fifty years, reasonable people have questioned this name. I would hope it’s been longer than that. But from cursory research I know it’s been that long.

Overwhelmingly leaders of the Native American community have pressed for the change. But it was to no avail.

Daniel Snyder, the majority owner, for years, swore the name would never be changed. And in fairness to him, he quoted a Washington Post survey of 504 Native Americans across the United States, that basically said 7/10 “ordinary” Native Americans weren’t bothered by someone of another race calling them a redskin.

Say what?

This week, finally after so many decades, the Washington team announced they would remove the nickname.

I suppose we must admit, sometimes people, even rich people like Dan Snyder, do the right thing!

Um no.

I suppose then, we must admit, sometimes years and years of lobbying, and educating those in power will cause the powerful to do the right thing!

Um no.

I suppose then, after seeing the abuse and killing of George Floyd, the rich and powerful step up, see the light, see the broader picture and do the right thing!

Um again, no.

It was not until Dan Snyder faced a full revolt from his fellow partners, and more importantly threats from sponsors Fed Ex, Nike and Pepsico, did the name get removed.

Just like Ohlmeyer said, the answer is money.

Follow the money and the devil ye shall find!

Same with all these other symbols of hate and division we have around us, and around the country.

We can protest all day, all night and all year long, but until we figure out a way to get in their pockets, then we will not see change.

But that is not to say we shouldn’t protest. Not at all. But protest must be just the beginning.

Then we take our collective power, our power, not theirs, and explore the money.

Is that power through billion dollar corporations?

Probably not most of the time.

But that power can be through boycotts. That power can be through targeted campaigns to both business and government. And that power can be through our legal system.

Follow the money. Find the devil. And beat him at his own game.



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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