Getting Punched in the Face Can Be a Learning Experience
I think everyone should get punched in the face at least once during their life. It’s something you never forget.
The first time I was punched was in fifth grade, on the playground. I was, as usual, joking around. But this time, the kid, about a foot taller than me, didn’t like the joke. So he popped me.
You don’t forget it.
The next year I was at yet another new school where I got beat up all the time, however, in those situations I was able to defend myself, and so, honestly, very forgettable.
The skirmishes are one thing. The surprises, the sucker punches, you remember.
I was beat up so many times in high school over either a girl, or more times than most, smart remarks, I can’t even remember them all. The key is to balance your broken noses out to both righties and lefties. You still have a deviated septum, but your nose looks normal.
Sadly, I don’t ever hear of anyone getting beat up anymore. Does that not happen?
Okay, wait, that didn’t come out right. Obviously, I prefer a world where people don’t get beat up, but the truth is, A-Ukraine and B-Chris Rock.
People in this world get beat up. I just don’t think most, isolated, white toast, Americans understand that.
I don’t think Will Smith was ever beat up, or at least sucker punched. If he had, I suspect he would have stayed seated. It’s a bad move, when there are witnesses.
Similarly Russia last lost a war in Afghanistan thirty years ago. I’m afraid its current leadership does not remember that.
You do a lot of learning when someone violently surprises you. Even if it’s not a physical altercation, but some type of unprovoked, unfair punishment, it instills in you a memory solid as concrete.
You do not forget it. You do not forget them. You do not forget the time. You do not forget the place. You do not forget their faces. You do not forget their poor decision.
Will Smith didn’t just punch a comic. He punched every comic in the world.
He will never be forgotten.
Putin and his Russian army have attacked their neighbor without provocation. They’ve murdered countless amounts of civilians. There is a very good chance war crimes have been committed.
Ukrainians will never forget them. 40 million people will never forget them.
If you are going to punch someone, or if you are going to threaten violence against someone or some people, you should know the consequences.
Every action has a reaction. When that action is barely justifiable, or wrong, or immoral the reaction can be exponential.
Without a tremendous mea culpa or an absolving Chris Rock, I can’t see how Smith’s career continues.
But Russia, now finds itself mired in an unwinnable war. Putin’s actions have emboldened what only two years ago, seemed like a weakened NATO.
The latest evidence is Finland, another bordering country of Russia, but an always neutral country during the Cold War. It finds its population, for the first time in history, in favor of NATO membership.
Every born Ukrainian will forever remember the casualties caused for no apparent reason. Their eastern neighbors will no longer be European cousins, but butchers and criminals.
There will be no rest for the Russian soldier. There will be no sleep for the Russian General. There will be no money for the Russian Oligarch.
There may however be a punch for the Russian dictator. But it may not be a fist, it may be served, Putin style, in a cup.