How About We Try and Get the Fox News and MSNBC Tapeworms Out of Our Brains!
Do you ever think about the word create? Or creation? Or creativity?
I think you should. I think you should think about it really, really, really a lot!
It’s something we all have in common. We might not realize we have it in common. We probably don’t recognize it in others. And many of us most definitely don’t see it in ourselves.
What separates us from the animals? Is it opposable digits? Is it our ability to work with tools? How about our ability to work with others? Or to learn?
Not really any of those things. Heck, crows work with tools.
What about creativity though? What about our desire to create?
I don’t know about the rest of you, but quite regularly I find myself getting all philosophical and asking the age-old question, “what the heck is this life all about?”
I think it’s about creation.
I also think, after your basic needs are met, creating something, or some things in your life, is the secret to a happy life.
And that is what so many people are missing. Especially Americans. We live in a bountiful country.
If you’re still with me, which is probably wishful thinking, let me be clear, I paint with a broad brush when I’m talking about creation.
I’m not saying you should take a painting or pottery class. I’m not.
I’m not telling you to get involved with poetry reading or community theater.
I’m sure that stuff is the bomb, but we really must find creativity within ourselves and exploit it, no matter how mundane or possibly “unartistic” you might think it is. As a matter of fact, art doesn’t have to have anything to do with it.
Think about it. For you Sunday Go to Meeting types, creation is the very first thing discussed in the Bible. A God who creates. A people created in the image of God.
You digging me? You picking up what I’m putting down?
I’ve always thought writing, and to some extent writing this column, was my creative avenue. But I haven’t written regularly in over a year, and I’ve been more self-actualized or fulfilled than I ever remember.
And I think it’s because I’ve broadened my horizon regarding creativity.
Participating in a conversation with someone you love is creation. I’m very fortunate to have a life partner who laughs at my stupid remarks. I’m very fortunate to have friends who do the same.
And participating is active involvement in creation. You can “have” a conversation. But is it creation, is it viable, is it fulfilling to just be passive?
It’s not. You must give of yourself. You must consider your audience. You must allow yourself to receive from them.
Conversation is not the only thing. Not by a long shot. Your opportunities for this type of creativity are unlimited.
Recognizing the beauty of a sunset or a certain crispness in the air can be creative. But again, you need to recognize it. You need to allow yourself to enjoy it.
Your work, your job, your side hustle can be your creative outlet. Coordinating with your coworkers in a positive manner can be a creative outlet.
And here’s the obvious elephant in the room. Creation of a child. The raising of your babies. But ask yourself, are you appreciating the creative nature of this very all-consuming creation?
Kinda simple but also complicated, right?
And here’s the one big thing you can’t be: a destroyer.
Yesterday in a restaurant I was rude to a server. The mistake wasn’t her fault. The affront I felt wasn’t because of her. And my exasperation was negative.
That’s being a destroyer. I owe her an apology. But I can’t really take back that destruction.
What’s really disturbing is how many of my columns, where primarily I brutalized Trump or other elected officials, received the most positive, and sometimes negative feedback. I loved it!
As a writer, you enjoy the feedback. But in retrospect, I think that’s why I haven’t missed it so much. What is really gained by breaking something down?
There’s so much more to this subject. So much to consider. I hope you will.
And I guess during this Christmas season I’m wishing for you all to find some creativity in yourself. Maybe you can’t immediately eliminate the Fox News and MSNBC destroyer, tape wormed inside your brain, but maybe you can balance it out.