Hurray, Hurray, Covid Has Gone Away!
Last week, in Tennessee, 44 people died of Covid 19, but this week, everything is okay.
Last week, in Tennessee, 1454 people were newly diagnosed, but I’m sure this week there will be virtually none.
The governor evidently thinks everything will be just fine. Heck yesterday a guy from Terminex told me the media had blown this all out of proportion.
An RN I know is adamant this is all a media driven, CIA government plot. She’s posted YouTube videos from chiropractors as evidence. Sadly, it is so dumb and so conspiracy theory driven, I cannot explain it to you further.
Evidently RNs and Chiropractors extensively study immunology and infectious diseases.
Now don’t get me wrong. If someone I know, and someone I thought I respected, throws out these type allegations, I am going to investigate them. But almost always I find their sources are insanely incredible.
And that was the case here. The Next News Network on YouTube is not by any stretch of the imagination real news. It’s the kind of news people who go on a shooting rampage, watch.
Hey look I can’t handle watching more than five minutes of “main stream media” either, but that’s because it’s all desperate regurgitation of this junk. I need a break from it too.
But do we need a registered nurse spewing conspiracy theory? If someone who is supposed to be medically qualified to treat you, in their spare time is a lunatic, maybe you should look somewhere else for your healthcare.
A teacher on social media this weekend, called anyone concerned about lack of quarantine, “doom and gloom” people.
Doom and gloom, that is a great terminology.
The Gallatin Center nursing home probably thought that too. So a hundred patients plus staff contracted the corona virus most deadly in the elderly. No big deal. Don’t worry about it. You are all doom and gloom! Heck we have two hundred beds!
So half of the residents had it. Turns out only 20% of them died.
I mean shoot, that’s no big deal. You doom and gloomers!
At least it gives you a pretty good idea what your odds are.
If you’re living in a nursing home, and the virus hits it, you have a 10% chance you’re going to die. But hey, Becky Griffey would probably tell you, that means you have a 90% chance of living!
We’re so lucky to have Governor Bill Lee, who can’t stand our State Representative, Becky, (wait, is it Bruce Griffey?), anyway she/he whatever can’t stand our state Senator, John Stephens, who can’t stand wearing socks, all working together to help us all out.
Everything is going to be just fine.
Next week: Evangelicals Bring Back Human Sacrifice! “Church On Sunday” Crowd Can’t Wait to Be a Crowd Again! Church gym mortgages are saved, even if 10% of you are doomed.