Is it a Surprise a Trump Supporter Bombed Nashville?

Dan K Jackson
4 min readDec 29, 2020



When the bomb went off in Nashville, I knew immediately this was a splinter faction of the Trump supporters.

I also know now, when I dropped that bomb of a sentence, I lost a whole bunch of readers, the actual Republicans who read the column.

But that’s okay because I am not speaking to Trump Republicans. Today I am addressing the wackos in the Trump camp. And there are a bunch of you.

I know you’re still reading, because you see the truth in that statement. You see the truth in yourself. You feel the emptiness inside you which can only be filled by diving into a rabbit hole of half-truths and paranoia.

I don’t know if the psychopath from Antioch was an actual Qanon follower, but from what we’re hearing, he certainly seemed on a similar path.

The conspiracy theory of 5G technology towers spreading radiation, spreading coronavirus and, I don’t know, spreading syphilis are insane. And if you are one of the people who believe this, you are also insane or on your way toward that state.

But this is nothing new. A couple weeks back I was watching an episode of Starsky and Hutch, season 1. (By the way it was a great television show. It doesn’t get near enough respect. Plus, the theme song for the first year is kickin’ y’all!) But I digress.


On this show, the antagonist is a dope with aluminum foil on his head and ankles. He’s trying to block radio waves because of course they are speaking to him or something or another.

Same insane junk, forty five years later!

(I know, I can’t believe it’s been that long since Starsky and Hutch’s first season, either!)

The point is this, if you know someone who believes something wacky like this, you need to report them! They are on the road to nowhere! (Speaking of, I listened to the Talking Heads Greatest Hits the other day, and there is quite the catalog!)

And not only this stupid theory, but any dumb theory by any dumb person.

And look, I’m not saying dumb people can’t have advanced degrees, or even be a doctor. Because they can!

If you hear a doctor talking about coronavirus not being a big deal, or about how vaccinations could cause autism, or about how Donald Trump is smart, (that’s right the guy who took Chloroquine as a Covid preventative), then you have a doctor who should be reported. I don’t know where you report them exactly, maybe the AMA? Maybe the CMA?* Maybe the DNA?*

There are plenty of dumb doctors, medical and non-medical. Report them! Ignore them! Despise them! RID is our new acronym!

If you hear a lawyer talking stupid conspiracy stuff like Democrats eat children, well you’re probably talking to our State Representative or State Senator.

Hahahaha! I love talking about these two. Because they are the perfect example of advanced degrees not guaranteeing you can walk and chew gum at the same time.

Being investigated for misuse of campaign funds: DUMBEST STATE SENATOR EVER!

We need to get conspiracy theory people out of our lives, out of our society and out of our government! We must rid ourselves of them! So again, RID! Report, Ignore and Despise them. But then again with lawyers, how difficult is that really? (Sorry, sorry, that last part was a joke.)

*CMA and DNA are not agencies you would report doctors to. They simply sounded good after saying AMA. CMA is that horrid, facelifted country music awards show, that should be abolished because they got together this year and killed poor old Charley Pride. DNA just erroneously refers to their biological makeup as having something to do with how insanely stupid they are. Please do not develop yet another stupid conspiracy theory from this. Also the CMAs didn’t directly kill Charley Pride. Sheesh, you have to be careful about everything you say around these conspiracy goobers.



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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