It’s Never Too Late to Give Thanks for Your Pals!
Thanksgiving, baby! Yeah, I love me some Thanksgiving.
For a while now it’s been tops on my list. Basically, ever since I found out about that punk Santa, Christmas dropped a notch.
I mean come on, give me some full blown magic! Presents from some old man who crept into your house after everyone went to bed! Tell me that isn’t something.
It’s very bizarre if you think about it. Parents portray this to their kids, but then must turn around and preach stranger danger!
And the last few years with Elf on the Shelf, mom and pop have an opportunity to lie and confuse their children even more. You can even Google “Top 20 Reasons Your Elf Didn’t Move,” and none of them is, “because I was tired and forgot about it!”
Want to lie a little less to your children?
Now you have the option of utilizing Santa’s Lazy Gnome. Yes, it’s for real. For parents who have zero creativity, but want to keep up with the Jones’, there’s a Christmas fraud for you too!
I feel like parents are setting themselves up for a lifetime of side eye from their kids. What you talkin’ ‘bout Willis?
I’m not going to go into the whole Christ aspect of the holiday, as I’m trying to keep this column as light as possible, but hey, fill in is as you wish.
The other fun holidays like Halloween and New Year’s Eve are fine. I dig them very much. Going to see the Flaming Lips for New Year’s Eve is a bit off the charts. Dressing up as a zombie for Halloween is rock solid!
So given all that, you might find it difficult to believe just how much I appreciate Thanksgiving.
The thing is, I don’t think people, especially Americans, appreciate just how much they have. Even before Turkey Day, most of us are overfed. Even before Christmas, most of us have more than we need.
A friend of mine’s son, Kane Price, ten years old, for the last couple of years, asks only for dog/cat food and pet supplies for his birthday. He then takes all of it to the local shelter.
Does it every year! This is a ten year old baby boy!
I could barely blow my own nose at that age.
We should all be more like this. We should all appreciate what we have. We should all appreciate what those less fortunate do not have. And we should all give thanks.
Thanksgiving provides you that opportunity. At our house, and because we have such a large family, it allows us to get together and appreciate the relatives and the bonds we share. We are all just renting space on this earth.
The strength of family is knowing you have leeway. It’s knowing they know, you aren’t perfect, but they accept you any way. Even if it is just because you’re family!
When I hear of families who don’t do that, or who refuse to support the prodigal son or daughter, I hurt for them. I invite them to share my table.
But finally, of all the ships, there is friendship. And it is the singular most important thing you should appreciate!
The most important aspect of friendship is supporting that imperfect friend just like your family does. Except this time there is no family bond. You don’t have to do it! It is a mutual forgiving bond of trust. And it is most valuable.
This past weekend I had a friend of well over 30 years, roll in from out of state, and spend the weekend. He’d been overseas for several years, so this was an opportunity for us to hang out and catch up.
I went through a divorce 20 plus years ago, and for me, it was a tough readjustment. I had left myself in a dark spot, bereft of meaningful friendships and unprepared for the starkness of starting over.
I only had two people, my brother, and this friend, who checked on me regularly, and kept my ship afloat.
You don’t forget that.
Since that time, I’ve been adamant to authentically add friendships to my life, to be genuine in my relationships and earnest with my actions. I’m sure I’ve failed a time or two along the way, we wouldn’t be human if we didn’t.
But since then, as hard times have befallen me again and again, I’ve had friends who buoyed me, and kept me headed in a positive direction.
So I know, come Thanksgiving each year, exactly what I am most thankful.
We can easily be thankful for our health, for our wealth and for the love of our family. But above all, I encourage you to be thankful for the friends you have, especially those who give you a hand, when you need it the most.