Jerry Falwell’s Chickens Done Came Home to Roost!
According to Pastor Jerry Falwell Senior, “Any sex outside of the marriage bond between a man and a woman is violating God’s law.”
So I’m wondering if the earth is quaking in that Lynchburg cemetery today? For surely old man Falwell is turning, over and over and over in his grave.
Pastor Jerry Falwell, Jr has evidently got a few different ideas about love and marriage than daddy did!
Just this week Junior was removed as chief potentate over one of the biggest phony colleges in the world, “Liberty” University.
“Liberty” University where until 2015 students were not allowed to watch “R” rated movies or play video games rated “M.”
Ah Liberty.
Well it seems Junior and his wife were taking “liberty” with their pool boy! Not a good thing when you’re the son of the guy who said, “AIDS is not just God’s punishment for homosexuals; it is God’s punishment for the society that tolerates homosexuals.”
Roll on around a few more times, Senior!
You guys remember the famous picture our morally and ethically challenged President took with Junior and his wife back during the 2016 campaign? We were all so outraged when good Christians would stoop so low as to be photographed with him.
Guess they weren’t so good!
Of course most of the “good” Christians I know, blew it off. And when I say “blew it off” I don’t even know what they were doing…or thinking.
Everything is upside down of how it was in my youth. Everything!
Those who would seemingly be good in the eyes of the Lord, turn out to be oh so bad. And now those who are definitely bad in the eyes of the Lord, keep getting voted into office by those who are seemingly good in the eyes of the Lord.
Meanwhile all of us left of center people are told we are Godless and heathen in nature if we simply believe in supporting the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to be free or the wretched refuse of our teeming shore.
We are bad for wanting to give our fellow man a hand. We are bad for wanting to level the playing field for those who’ve been battered by bigoted policies.
We are bad for realizing our organization is stronger, our church is stronger, our country is stronger and our life is stronger by embracing opinion, thought processes and experiences of others of different backgrounds.
We are bad for wanting our cities to have a dialogue with their police departments so that justice can be properly mitred.
So many religions in the world are based on selflessness. It’s too bad Christianity isn’t.
Oh, wait! It is!
Unfortunately, where Jesus went into the wilderness, fasted for forty days and nights, and survived temptation, people like Junior Falwell, go to business school, party for forty years, and take every temptation with a grain of salt.
Lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, wrath, envy and pride! And right at the top of the list is ol’ Junior Falwell’s latest deadly sin.
You can be guaranteed it wasn’t his first. And we all know it won’t be the last.