Just Waiting Until the Republican Dam Breaks All Over the President!

Dan K Jackson
3 min readOct 15, 2019


Okay so how long is it before Republicans in the US Senate realize if Trump gets kicked out of office, they still have a chance to elect someone relatively sane next year?

I think a lot of folks in the liberal world are a little too excited about Trump’s impeachment. Let me just tell you, people toward the moderate end of the spectrum are not happy about voting for Bernie, Warren or Biden.

I’m not.

But just like Republican moderates last time said, “anyone but her,” the same thing is going on with Democrats and in some cases now even more conservative moderates. It’s basically “anything but this loon!”

When the Senate realizes this impeachment might just be what the doctor ordered, they will fall like dominoes to kick Trump out.

I’m not even attracted to Mike Pence! Wait, that didn’t come out right.

The main sticking point is Pence. Will he be implicated too?

Senate Republicans do not want Pence in as President and they certainly don’t want him running next year. Bernie looks better than Mike Pence.

Wouldn’t you love to see Mike Pence visit a wax museum where they’ve made a statue of him? Standing next to it, how many of you think you could pick the live one?

He is the weirdest looking, acting, talking thing I’ve ever seen. I’m not even sure he’s human. I think he may very well be from a UFO.

Now I say it that way because I don’t think Mike Pence is actually an alien being from a UFO. No, that would intone the idea of “intelligent life” and we know that’s not happening with ol’ Mikey.

No Pence was probably a lap dog of an alien race. You know like a pet. They were on vacay here in the Milky Way and Pence had to go. They let him out for a minute, looked the other way and next thing they know we’ve got a Vice President!

Doesn’t he have the most vacuous persona ever? When he’s standing next to Trump, it’s like he seems to be standing there, but it could also be a mannequin. You just don’t 100% know.

He’s such a good poochy, poochy, pooch!

So the Republican Senators have to be careful.

They can’t jump on the impeachment bandwagon too soon. They must wait until this probe reaches past Giuliani, past Giuliani’s Russian cash mules, past the EU Ambassador who is facilitating things, and past Pompeo who has no idea what he’s gotten himself into.

Only then will they get Mikey too.

Kiss of DEATH!

And the President has tried to help. When this whole thing about phone calls to Ukraine came up, Trump was quick to note the Vice President was calling them too! Although truthfully, I think Trump put some dog food on the receiver and Mike was just licking it.

But seriously and back on subject, is it possible the President knows his time is up? After another failed lawsuit, his tax returns notating years of Russian money laundering are close to being released.

I think last week’s move was Trump’s final favor to Putin. It’s not a weird prostitute sting Trump is worried about, no it’s money, Russian money. Donald received the money, washed them through his hotels and golf courses, and now Putin receives Syria.

Easy peazy.

Are Republican Senators starting to see this? Have they finally realized Trump’s true motivations? And is now the time for them to make a move so someone less insane can take over?

All my liberal friends think this is crazy, that an impeachment is a good thing. But I tell you, who would you rather vote for, Romney or Warren? Romney or Bernie? Or even Romney or Biden?

Dude, I’d vote for Romney.



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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