Let’s Reboot Thanksgiving

Dan K Jackson
3 min readNov 19, 2019


Gosh there are so many things to be thankful for in these wild and wacky times. For instance, I am so, so, so thankful no one I know wanted to go see the new Charlie’s Angels “reboot.”

Reboot. I’m thankful this is the only time I’ve ever said, “reboot.”

It’s remake. Why do they say “reboot?”

You reboot a computer.

For instance, you wouldn’t say, “Hey they are rebooting Gone With the Wind,” would you?

No. You’d say they are remaking it.

This is Kristen smiling…yeah, that’s it.

Anyway, who didn’t know this remake of Charlie’s Angels was going to be bad? The first time I spotted a trailer for it, I knew! That dopey vampire girl with her angst face! I don’t want to see her. Where’s Farrah? Where’s Jacquelyn Smith?

Come on man.

You know what else I’m thankful for?

I’m thankful I don’t work for a dumb person. Look this is not a Trump thing. Seriously, it’s not. But for those of you who want it to be a Trump thing, well that’s okay.

But seriously if you put someone dumb in a position of power, whether it’s the President of the United States or let’s say organizing the neighborhood yard sale, dumb stuff is going to happen.

Dumb begets dumb!

Do not elect this lady President.

If you see a dumb person running an organization, you should run! Run far away! Run as fast as you can, because at any moment a whole avalanche of dumb stuff could fall on you!

I’m thankful it’s 60 plus degrees today! We got a week before the actual Thanksgiving and I’m playing golf! We had pipes freezing two weeks ago but today the sun is out and winter is forgotten.

Until probably tomorrow.

How about this? I’m thankful we have a hospital.

This week GQ Magazine published an article about how 72% of rural hospital closures are in states that rejected the Medicaid expansion of Obamacare.


How about a big thank you to all those Tea Partiers! Your stubbornness to expand medical coverage to the poor and be paid for by the federal government is now closing hospitals in your own community.

Take a look at McKenzie, their State Rep, Andy Holt, was one of those very Tea Partiers who voted against expansion. And then they lost their hospital.

Look I understand it’s more difficult for local hospitals to stay in business these days. Advanced techniques and hi tech procedures send a tremendous amount of people to urban areas.

But, what about a car wreck? What about a heart attack? What about a stroke?

Time is of the essence. Distance is of the essence. Helicopter charges are insane! And they aren’t as safe as automobile transport!

I suppose we could just have an emergency room “clinic.” Maybe when someone needs to have a boil lanced, they could go to the operating room “clinic.”

Maybe we could take it a bit further. Instead of having huge buildings like hospitals, we could have hospital clinics that more resemble an oil change operation.

I’m here for the hemorrhoid check up!

Got a broken leg? Drive on into Jiffy Med Express! Hang your leg out the window and we’ll splint it up! Off ya go! Here’s some coupons for your next trip in!

Good grief.

Anyway, be thankful our little county owned hospital is doing well and surviving despite politicians best efforts to destroy them.

Happy Thanksgiving Reboot everyone!



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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