Some Republicans Choose to Live in Fear and Die for Ignorance

Dan K Jackson
4 min readDec 8, 2020


I know Republicans get tired of everyone else in the world calling them dumb, but dang people, quit doing and saying so many dumb things!

This week, the Arizona Republican party, yes, the whole state’s representation of Republicans, encouraged it’s membership to die for Trump’s reelection.

Sheesh, the votes have been counted, recounted, triple counted. No one’s making it up. Your boy lost. Get over it.

You cannot make this stuff up!

Sending your people out, or even simply suggesting your people become martyrs for an election is completely wacky. No, I’m sorry, it’s dumb.

But I’m not calling any names.

On a related note, have any of my non-dumb friends had an opportunity to engage in what you think is an intelligent conversation with one of these “republicans?”

I am putting them in quotation marks like that, because I don’t really understand what issues they stand for. It just seems like a team jersey they feel fits.

Have you ever had a conversation with one of them and they talk in favor about programs that are Democrat led issues!

My favorite part is when you call them out on this, and they look at you, with a bit of fear in their eyes and somehow manage to blame it on the media.


Where did that come from?

Look I’m not a fan of the “media” either. Whether it’s on ABC, Fox, cable land or the multiple news sources on the internet, they all have ulterior motivations. It’s either ratings or clicks. It’s just that simple.

Here’s a non-political example: Tuesday morning I’m watching Good Morning America and one of the hosts is segueing into a report. It’s about Christopher Nolan’s remarks regarding Warner Brothers streaming all movie releases on the same day of the theatrical release.

The host says Nolan called Warner Brother’s streaming service “failing.” Then they play the clip.

He actually said fledgling. These are two very separate words with very different meanings.

Was it purposeful or was it a mistake?

I don’t know, but it was wrong. And it did make me hold on to listen to the report. Which is also wrong!

Republicans these days, seemingly believe nothing!

So I understand “Republicans” reticence to trust the media. But you are lying if you say you don’t rely on this media for information. You do! You have to, or otherwise you wouldn’t have so much incorrect information!

The latest thing came from a friend of mine, who honestly, I didn’t even realize had political leanings. Boy was I wrong. His statement, after I incredulously asked him if he believed the statements made by a particularly wacky local politician, was this, “all politicians lie.”

Now that folks tells you a lot. Not only do “Republicans” not believe the media, but they don’t believe their own politicians.

What do “Republicans” of this age believe in?

I feel for them. They are lost souls. They wander around in this sense of angst because they are in a world they don’t understand, don’t believe and cannot control.

I don’t understand how all these white people got to this point. Is it because they were raised with a sense of entitlement?

I’m going to tell you, I was born white, really white! I cannot tan! And I’ve never felt like something was handed to me. I always knew I had to work for it. I have always been taught you must work for it. And owning a small business for 20 plus years I can tell you every day is a challenge and every day you must be ready for change.

Are these white people so dumb, they just think everything will be okay? All you need to do is sit back and wait for the money truck!

And when that doesn’t happen, it’s somehow whose fault?

The media? The lying politicians? Or all of us Democrats?

And now you need to die for this cause? You want to die in the name of ignorance?

I do not understand you people, but unlike you, I will continue to try. And sadly, yet rightfully, until you quit whining and crying about everyone else, you will continue to fail.



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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