Things Are Getting Done and the White People are Freaking Out!

Dan K Jackson
4 min readJun 30, 2020


Oh man, another week of protests and another week of white people freaking out! It’s so awesome!

In Mississippi, certainly in the Top 5 of most racist states ever, lawmakers voted to retire the current flag.

CONSERVATIVE REPUBLICAN? WHAT?!? Is that a flagpole in your hand are you just happy to go to Hell?

Mississippi is so racist the blues were born there. Yeah. Mississippi is so racist they still have a confederate symbol on their flag! Oh wait, that’s not a joke.

Not surprisingly, it is the last state in the union to still have a state flag with the confederate battle emblem represented. It’s the last state because, again, it is one of the most racist places in America.

In other good news, earlier this month the Virginia Governor announced his intention to remove the Robert E. Lee statue from Richmond’s historic Monument Avenue. And by the way, if some of you white “historians” need to feel good about Lee, enjoy fully the following statement made by the South’s general.

“I think it wiser,” the retired military leader wrote about a proposed Gettysburg memorial in 1869, “not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.”

This was four years after the war!

The U.S. pretty much did exactly the opposite…for 150 years!

Lee advocated protection of just one form of memorial, headstones in cemeteries.

“All I think that can now be done,” he wrote in 1866, “is … to protect the graves [and] mark the last resting places of those who have fallen…”

(The above Lee quotes were taken from a article but can widely be found with a cursory internet search.)

That should be it on the statues. I mean it won’t be it…but it should be it. Done. Finished. Knock ’em all down. So there.

Also, earlier this month military leaders proposed to rename forts with Confederate general’s names.

Did you people even realize there were forts with Confederate general’s names? Why would we have ever done that?

That would be like opening a military base in Germany after WWII and naming it Fort Goring or Goebbels!

Goebbel or Goring? Yeah, you don’t know, BECAUSE THERE ARE NO STATUES!!!!!

That would be like winning a World Series and renaming your stadium after the team you beat! Oh and they were all slave owners.

That would be like winning a sexual harassment suit against a Hollywood Mogul and having the city name your street Weinstein Avenue!

It doesn’t make any sense. Welcome to Fort Traitor. Come on in. Honor above integrity! Zero sense.

Of course, all this progress is not going without some hiccups. White people, after all, have the most voices in this country, so there is going to be some push back.

One of my favorites is “I refuse to apologize for being white!”

Are we asking that?

No. No we are not. No one asked you, or insisted you do that. There is no need to apologize for being white, or Caucasian or black or brown, etc.

Now if you’d like to apologize for being a racist piece of crud, that’s fine. Let’s hear it.

St. Louis Chicken Turds, Tommy Bahama and Mama Tried defend themselves against chants…with guns.

One of my favorite (not really at all) push backs from white people is when they go opposite field. Yeah, they become more racist!

N-word! N-word! N-word! N-word! You start hearing it in places you had not before.

All of a sudden, people you never knew were racist at all, become closet KKK members!

This happened after Barack Obama won and the world let out a collective, relieved sigh. We are post racism…we thought.

A few months later I heard more racist slanted comments than ever! It lasted for eight years, and then they voted for a guy who realized all he had to do was fan the backlash flames and he’d get elected.

Now I’m not saying all Trump supporters are racists. They are not. But you know, there are a bunch of them packed in those rallies with you.

Better hope racism doesn’t spread like Covid-19. But at a rally or not, it does spread rather quickly. No matter how much you might wash your hands of it.



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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