Trump Wackos are the New Snowflakes
Okay hey fellow Snowflakes, you’re going to love this one! So a Trump wacko is launching a new app to help conservatives find “safe” restaurants and other places where they won’t be harassed for supporting President Trump!
Hahahahahaha! How great and how ironic is this?
First of all, I am slapping myself for not thinking of this first! It’s an awesome idea. I mean think about it, what motivates Trump wackos the most?
Exactly, fear!!!
Trump wackos are afraid of everything.
Before I go any further and to minimize the collateral damage, allow me to define Trump wacko.
A Trump wacko is someone who still thinks Trump is a master negotiator even though we are right back to square one with North Korea. Well not exactly square one as China has now loosened trade restrictions with them and Kim Jong Un is now held in much higher esteem in, if not the international community, certainly the southeast Asian community.
Side note: southeast Asia is the fastest growing region in the world. It’s expected to maintain that growth for the next decade or more.
Next a Trump wacko is someone who thinks it was okay to shut down government for a month even though it saved not a dime and actually cost us money because we still paid the salaries of the employees. We still paid the utilities in the buildings. We still paid for all the services that would eventually be provided.
And finally a Trump wacko is someone who wears a MAGA hat in a bar in Chelsea New York.
There are virtually a million other qualifiers regarding Trump epic fails and the blind loyalty of his followers, but we’ll just stop there.
I know evangelicals love Trump for whatever twisted reason, so I’ll let you have that. I’m not calling you a wacko. At least not for that reason.
Also, people who just couldn’t stand Hillary. I get it. You are not a Trump wacko either.
Also, I know you folks in the financial sector had your own reasonings for choosing the devil. You knew even Trump wasn’t dumb enough to affect anything regarding his own investments and interest rates.
Sidenote: After a great 2017 the stock markets haven’t loved the wispy haired and brained President’s policies of late. 2018 turned out to be the worst year for stocks in a decade.
Okay so with that lengthy aside, set aside, let’s get back to the heart of the matter, this great app!
It totally encapsulates what being a Trump wacko is all about, fear! Fear of brown people, fear of black people! Fear of Islamic people and of them being terrorists! Fear of brown people being terrorists! Fear of Jesus Christ being brown! Fear of Santa being brown! Fear of the United States getting rid of white people. Fear of Crayola getting rid of the white crayon!
Then there’s fear of gay people. Fear of trans people. Fear of bisexual people. Fear of bi polar people. Fear of bipodal forward movement in anything whatsoever.
Fear! Fear! Fear!
So you can only imagine the manifestation of fear a Trump wacko would have when they heard of Sarah Sanders being refused service at a restaurant.
All of a sudden they are tore up from the floor up about not being able to wear their MAGA hat at Disney World!
Oh wait, it’s not that? You think people know if you’re a Trump wacko without your MAGA hat?
Trump wackos are so paranoid and so full of fear, they think people can just tell. “I’m white! They must know I worship the Donald!”
Recently a controversial movie about the Green Book came out. Forget the movie, let’s talk about the book. This book was put together back in the early 20th century by an African American who lived in the north but wanted to travel south to visit relatives.
It was a listing of hotels and restaurants throughout the south that were safe for black people to utilize.
If they did not use this book, if they lost this book, or if they got turned around in their travels and ended up somewhere this book said they shouldn’t, they didn’t get politely asked to leave. No, they got beaten. And/or they were left for dead. And sometimes they ended up dead.
They weren’t wearing a hat that symbolized fear of brown people, fear of gay people, fear of women’s equality. No they were wearing the same color of skin so many Trump wackos are still afraid of. They couldn’t take that hat off.