Worried of War With Iran? War of Words, Maybe.

Dan K Jackson
4 min readSep 19, 2019


I am fascinated by President Trump’s foreign policy. He loves Russia and their boss, Putin. He loves North Korea and their boss, Kim Jong Un. But for some reason, he despises Iran and their boss, Hassan Rouhani.

Loves this guy!
Loves this guy so much he seems like he’s about to kiss his ring!

Well actually I don’t know if he despises the last guy or not. I’ve never heard him pronounce his name. I suppose it’s up in the air if that’s because he doesn’t want to give him strategic power by recognizing him as a world leader, you know, like he did with Jong Un or if he simply doesn’t know who he is or if he, ya know, can’t pronounce his name.

This guy…not so much.

Regardless we know he doesn’t like Iran.

We know this because one of the first things he did as “President” was to pull us from international agreements concerning Iran and their nuclear weapons. His defense secretary advised against this. And our European allies urged him to not do this.

Oh well.

He then, for no apparent reason imposed sanctions against them.

And so Iran announced it would begin again to enrich uranium in order to build a bomb.


Our illustrious and all knowing “president” then hired John Bolton, a crazy Iran war mongering neo conservative from George W’s administration and of course Fox News.

I’m sorry, I’m sorry. War mongering sounds bad. I take that back. Please see the end of the column for a look at Bolton’s resume.

And so Iran, or someone, attacked oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz.

And so our “president” sent a bunch of troops and ships there.

And then more oil tankers are sabotaged followed quickly by Iran shooting down one of our military drones.

No biggie.

Our “president” simply called on and then called off a military strike, but then froze the Ayatollah’s bank accounts. Oh, and fired John Bolton.

Okay. Not sure what all that was.

Which brings us to this week. Oil fields in Saudi Arabia, a country all the Trumps seem to really love because of either their strategic importance to the United States or because they have lots of money to build hotels, has some of it’s major oil fields blown up by drones!

“I really dig these guys!” Trump is thinking of rich Saudi Mel Brooks impersonator.

Fortunately, our “president” Donald Trump says we are “locked and loaded” in reference to an imminent attack on Iran.

And then today says he doesn’t want war with Iran, and close advisors say the “president” would love to meet one on one with the aforementioned president of Iran, Rouhani.

Do any of you understand how apartment buildings were built with these kind of “negotiations?”

I will say I now understand a little bit better how multiple bankruptcies happened. And maybe a little better how his casinos, the mathematically most steadily profitable businesses in the world, failed. And maybe how his multiple business failures happened.

And maybe how it was important he inherit as much money from his parents as possible.

Which in closing helps me understand why he doesn’t want us to see his tax returns.

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Is John Bolton your typical cowardly, scared of his own personal sacrifice, but happy to sacrifice others, war mongering evil being? Here is his resume. You decide.

  • Actively avoided military service in Vietnam

-Protégé of Senator Jesse Helm

-Opposed reparations to WWII Japanese Americans

-Opposed chemical weapons ban

-Promoted the sour strategy of the Iraq War with yellowcake uranium false intelligence

-Promoted war against Iran as early as 2004 with falsely doctored enriched uranium



Dan K Jackson
Dan K Jackson

Written by Dan K Jackson

Just a blue guy in a red state. Been writing a regular column since 2005. Sometimes politics, sometimes food and travel, sometimes comedy, always a smartass.

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